3D Bioprinting Vascular Tissue (CVD)
A literature review of 3D Bioprinting Vascular Tissue as a Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease-related Injury.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an overarching term used to describe diseases related to the
heart and blood vessels (Duan, 2016). Physiologically, CVD presents itself as a mechanical,
electrical or functional change that constricts normal blood flow throughout the body.
Example of these changes include build-up of plaque in a blood vessel (atherosclerosis), loss
of electrical integrity (bradyarrhymia) or changes to systolic and diastolic blood pressure
(isolated hypertension) (Monteiro et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2020). CVD is responsible for
approximately 1/3 of all deaths, with the figure rising in both developing and developed
countries (Deaton et al., 2011) When age-adjusting prevalence rates in the Australian
population, CVD is generally decreasing amongst middle and older-aged individuals
(Mathers et al., 2001). However, as the whole population grows the crude number of CVDrelated cases increases. This adds tremendous pressure onto the healthcare system to deal
with the burden of disease, and negatively affects an individual’s quality of life (Pandya et
al., 2013).
Current treatment options depend on a person’s specific diagnosis. In general, blood thinning
medication, bypass surgery and mechanical interventions such as stents are used. In many
cases, these options can address the symptomatic and localised damage, however, these
treatments are not perfect or sufficient enough as a long-term solution. Issues related to
medication non-adherence and drug-drug interactions present efficacy and toxicity concerns
(Stephenson, 2009; Addison et al., 2011). Problems with endothelial injury and organ tissue
shortage presents surgical complications while thrombotic occlusion caused by newly
employed stents is a long-term durability concern (Verrier & Boyle, 1996; Honda &
Fitzgerald, 2003). These problems call for more personalised treatment options that limits the
disease’s ability to harm, while respecting the body’s native, biological environment. As
such, novel treatment options are anticipated to revolutionise how our society thinks about
and handles CVD-related issues.
Tissue Engineering
Regenerative medicine is an emerging field that recapitulates the physiochemical and
biomechanical features of a native system so damaged tissue, vessels and organs are
artificially grown for replacement surgery (Cui et al., 2018).This field distinguishes itself
from medication treatments as it directly addresses the cause of symptomatic distress without
causing whole body effects. This field also distinguishes itself from current surgical
interventions as the engineering products are physiologically viable, as opposed to
mechanical devices that are biomimetic.
Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is a subdivision of this field that precisely manufactures
a functional component for clinical or research purposes. Looking at Figure 1 and using
tissue generation as an example, healthy cells are first harvested and then added to a media
matrix that provides the required conditions for cell growth and structurally supports cell
proliferation (Jana & Lerman, 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). This media is typically a hydrogel
made from polyethylene glycol and sodium alginate as this mix is a printable material with
the ability to withstand the mechanical strain tissues ordinarily face (Taylor et al., 2012).
Using computer-aided design and a 3D bioprinter, the cell-hydrogel mix is laid down in a
bottom-up, tiered manner so architectural fidelity between the printed tissue and native forms
is preserved. The printed construct is then chemically cross-linked to ensure stability, which
in the case of alginate solutions, occurs in the presence of Ca2+ ions (Dababneh & Ozbolat, 2014). The printed tissue is then analysed under static and dynamic conditions to ensure
suitability for surgical implementation.
CVD & 3D Bioprinting
In the case of CVD, coronary vessels, cardiac valves and myocardium tissue are clinically
significant as most damage occurs to these regions (Wang et al., 2018). 3D bioprinting for
these distinct parts is hugely beneficial as cell type specificity, spatial distribution and
composition complexity can be replicated in accordance to the damaged region. Notable
CVD injuries, and how they can be benefited by 3D bioprinting, include myocardial
infarctions that have impacted the heart’s wall (Wang et al., 2018). Bioprinting allows for a
controlled re-creation of the inner endocardium, middle myocardium or outer pericardium so
functionality is restored to where it is lost. Contrasted to current treatments this approach can
positively impact a patient’s quality of life as underlying scarring and cell lost is mitigated
while injured tissue is directly replaced (Lovell & Mathur, 2004). Figure 2 presents the
findings of a study that contrasted the differences between an engineered and native tissue.
Optically, there is a difference in what the tissues look like but histologically they are very
similar. Furthermore, this study found that extracellular components such as collagen and
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were cultivated at similar percentages to that of native tissues.
This is an important finding as it shows tissue-specific markers of cellular health can be
attained through 3D printing mechanisms. Ultimately, findings like this contribute to the
notion that bioprinting is a viable treatment option for CVD.
3D Bioprinting Limitations & Future Experiments
1.1 Mechanical and Chemical Considerations
When assessing the efficacy of any dispensing technology the effects of shear stress must be
considered. Shear stress is the frictional force made by a moving substance against its
surrounding environment (Malek, 1999). In the case of printing technologies, shear stress is
influenced by nozzle diameter, printing pressure and viscosity of the cell/media mix (Blaeser
et al., 2015). When bioprinting cardiovascular tissue, shear stress is an important mechanical
problem to overcome. Firstly, vascular tissue generation is dependent on a high-density of
multiple cell types that have differing shear thresholds for their unique cellular functions (Zhang et al., 2016). For example, shear stress on cardiac myocytes is important in cell
alignment and vascular remodelling, whereas on endothelial cells it has anti-atherosclerotic
effects (Shyu, 2009). Functionally, differences in shear sensitivity is related to where cells are
proximal to blood flow. In healthy, in vivo conditions, any negative effects caused by shear
are mitigated as cells are only exposed to a level they have evolved to tolerate. However, in
bioprinting, the printed material is a conglomerate of all cell types needed by the construct
which makes specifying shear stress thresholds difficult. This is a hard concern to overcome
as higher viscosity and smaller nozzle diameter are useful parameters that provide greater
printing precision but inadvertently increase the propensity for issues. These issues include
cell signalling and protein expression defects (Blaeser et al., 2015).
Additionally, assessing the extent of shear stress damage is difficult as only short-term issues
are detectable with long-term effects not immediately noticeable (Zhang et al., 2016). This
raises questions surrounding the efficacy of 3D bioprinting as a therapy for CVD. This is as
the engineered tissue may be impacted by fabrication methods and might not be suitable for
individual’s whose native vasculature is also exhibiting high shear stress; like those with
CVD caused by inflammation. In this case, systemic dysregulation reduces arterial stretch
which will exacerbate any shear-induced problems to the engineered construct unless disease
treatment also accounts for pharmacological interventions (Lu & Kassab, 2011; Cecchi et al.,
2011). Superficially, this mechanical issue is solved by incorporating drug-interventions
alongside implementation of these components. However, success in the development of
hydrogels for 3D bioprinting has come at the cost of using toxic reactions for cross-linking
and evidence of structures developing a necrotic core (Hong et al., 2015; Bejleri et al., 2018).
This is a chemical consideration to drug-intervention for printed constructs as local shear
stress might be addressed but unforeseeable drug interactions with the cross-linked hydrogels
may also occur. Currently, there is no consensus on the issue as some studies demonstrate an
effect between cross- linking and drug interactions, whereas others refute this claim (Lan &
Starly, 2011; Paradee et al., 2012). This is a directive for future experiments that should
evaluate common CVD drugs and their impact on bioprinted materials. It is imperative to get
a better idea of whether an interaction exists, and if so, how it may affect treatment outcomes.
1.2 Differences Across Bioprinters
Differences across bioprinters results in variations in tissue generation. These differences
exist in the form of manufacturing styles that uniquely layer the cell/gel mix (Cui et al.,
2018). Figure 3 demonstrates three common 3D printers that can be used in cardiovascular
tissue engineering and visually depicts the differences in their approaches. These differences
may be beneficial as they allow for a nuanced approach to tissue printing and can be made
specific to a patient’s condition. However, this also means lack of consistency across printers
and requires careful consideration of which one is most suitable to use. Cui et al. (2018)
presented an overview of these bioprinters describing the inkjet printer as low-cost but prone
to clogging and requiring chemical cross-linking as ordinary mechanical cues are not present.
These limitations are partially addressed by an extrusion printer that can print majority of
biomaterials, limiting the need for chemical cross-linking. Conversely, this printer
demonstrates low tissue viability due to use of high-shear stress and pressure. Lastly,
stereolithography (laser-assisted bioprinting) is a photochemical process wherein cells are
made highly cross-linkable by photopolymerization but are also prone to harmful
downstream toxicity. These differences are clinically relevant to CVD as each printer-type
needs to be evaluated against the benefit it brings to a patient versus the inherent constraints
in its design. This is an issue as not every clinical setting will have access to all bioprinter
types but if the construct is not suitable to the patient’s needs, CVD may be exacerbated or contribute to other disease-states. Future experiments should evaluate how these differences
affect outcomes and model bioprinted tissue in various CVD-related injuries to determine
which printer is most suitable to which conditions.
1.3 Risk Factors
In many ways, CVD is exacerbated by lifestyle choices such as high salt/fat diets, physical
inactivity and smoking (Scarborough et al., 2011). These behaviours increase an individual’s
likelihood for disease due to risk factors like adiposity occurring (Mozaffarian et al., 2008).
When assessing the interventive benefits of 3D printing it becomes obvious that bioprinted
constructs are only a symptomatic treatment to damage in a localised area. Analogously, 3D
bioprinting is like a band-aid to the factors perpetuating CVD which, if left untreated, may
cause greater complications. Other risk factors such as oxidative stress and inflammation
pose greater concerns as they are not directly related to pleiotropic lifestyle effects and
require specific intervention (Oesterle et al., 2017). In this context, current research is
progressively accumulating data on whether engineered tissues will survive in a pathological
environment, however, recreating this in vitro is a considerable challenge (Cui et al., 2018).
This is as there is a broad range and extent of factors that augment CVD. To understand these
effects, current experiments are evaluating bioprinted tissue in the context of relevant
bioactive agents such von Willebrand factor (Cui et al., 2016). However, these studies are
rare and usually in relation to other bodily systems.
Furthermore, little to no research has been conducted on the propensity of 3D printed tissues
to later contribute to disease, such as form atherosclerotic plaques. This lapse in research
might be explained by the newness of this technology and that majority of experiments are
still validating proof-of-concepts. This is a directive for future experiments that could use a
longitudinal survival analysis in mouse models to contrast Kaplan-Meir survival rates of
common CVD treatments to 3D bioprinted grafts. Here, it is hypothesised that 3D bioprinted
constructs will result in better outcomes only when combined with pharmacological
interventions as it is necessary to control the local vasculature. Similarly, to assess how a
perpetually pathological environment affects a 3D construct, a cross-sectional analysis where
a gene like Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is removed in mouse models and a printed tissue is
implanted to assess how it reacts in that environment. After a certain time, the construct can be cross-sectioned to look for any markers of apoptosis, necrosis or inflammation. Here, it is
hypothesised that the 3D construct will not be influenced by the diseased environment so
long as it was grown from cells that had all necessary genes for survival.
Overall, 3D bioprinting presents a new way to address tissue and organ damage caused by
CVD. This technology capitalises on engineering principles that allow for greater precision in
construct manufacturing whilst replicating native tissue. This means that surgical intervention
uses physiologically viable constructs as opposed to relying on drug-therapies or biomimetic
metal stents. Before 3D bioprinting can be fully accepted, issues surrounding
mechanical/chemical limitations, differences across printers and how the construct will react
to CVD risk factors must be addressed. As our understanding of this technology gets better
and there are solutions to these restraints, it is anticipated that 3D bioprinting will become a
part of common practise as it has a lot of potential in remedying CVD-induced injury that
current technologies fail to address.
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